About us
The AKF (Arbeitskreis Fremde in der Stadt Willich e.V.) is a working group that offers German courses and information about German culture and German education for refugees.
We organize tours and different projects you can take part in.
We want to help you to orientate yourself and achieve a quick integration in Germany.
We offer help to self-help, we support you in your efforts to begin a new life in Germany and to master your everyday life.
We are a charitable association and we help you in our free-time without being paid for.
We welcome you, we respect you, we want to help you, - and we want you to respect us and our voluntary work. All those who do not respect us or other refugees are not welcomed!
You can only benefit from all our offers – German courses, tours and projects – if we respect each other.
Punctuality, order, and cleanliness are indispensable to make our work for your future a success!